How many people can we inspire in 90 days to generate efforts with results to establish their own authentic and genuine YES in their lives?

Starting October 1st 2020 a challenge will start just to see how people can help other people create happiness in their lives by: 

  1. Challenge them to give the first 90 minutes each day for 90 days to something they feel that is authentic to them and is beneficial to the happiness of others
  2. Support them with a 6 day per week (mo-sa) broadcast/participating session from 7:00-7:30 AM (Amsterdam) with:
  • Mindset in the light of Transparent CHI
  • Every day an interview with an inspiring person (internationally)
  • Tips & Tricks
  •  Call for feedback: apply for an interview and proudly demonstrate
  • Mindful dedication to the happiness of all living creatures

Updates will follow.....

If you want to be updated or feel you can contribute in any which way. 

Thank you!

Fill out the form so we can keep in touch.

The Morning broadcasts will primarily have a Dutch audience.
However, we aim for an international reach, both for people to interview as well as people to challenge.

Initially, we communicate in English to enable the international characteristic. 

© 2019-2021 Hans Oosting
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